Ranchi: Hundreds of BJP Supporters joined BJP at the BJP state office in Ranchi on Friday. Leaders of Ramgarh and Mandu joined BJP along with hundreds of supporters under the leadership of Zilla Parishad member Sarvesh Singh.
Former State President and State Convenor of Joining Committee Ravindra Rai and State General Secretary Rajya Sabha Aditya Sahu welcomed everyone with party patta and garland. On this occasion, Ravindra Rai extended his best wishes to everyone and said that Prime Minister Narendra along with the entire country Jharkhand is also ready to fulfill the resolve of a developed India under the leadership of Modi.
He said that every day people from different districts are continuously joining the BJP. The public’s trust in Modi continued to increase. He said that under the leadership of Modi, the deprived classes have joined the mainstream of development. 25 crore people have come out of the poverty line.
He said that with the support of the public, the resolution crossed 400 Will be completed. NDA will win 14 Lok Sabha seats in Jharkhand. Rajya Sabha MP Aditya Sahu said that BJP is not a party but a family. With Sarvesh Singh joining the party, the party will become stronger.
The party’s support base will further increase in Ramgarh district. He said that the people of the country have full faith only in Modi’s guarantee. He said that any person in BJP can reach from zero to the top, the winning example of this is Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself.
A tea seller’s son can become the Prime Minister of the country, this is possible only in BJP. He said that for the third time, the resolve of the Modi government is not for power but for the service of villages, poor, farmers, labourers, women, tribals, Dalits and all the backward classes. He said that the future of the country is safe in the hands of Modi. We have to make Prime Minister Narendra Modi the Prime Minister for the third time with more strength.