Ranchi: Health Minister Banna Gupta said that the filing of a closure report by the CBI in the case registered against the persons convicted of killing 10 innocent persons and children in the alleged Police-Maoist encounter in the Bakoria incident of Palamu is a serious matter.
He said this has also made it clear that the central investigative agencies work only one-sided and are capable of taking action only against the opposition people, despite the testimony of dozens of witnesses in this case and the availability of forensic photographs and other types of evidence.
He said that the report puts a question mark on the functioning of CBI. He said that his full support is with the victims, families in this fight for truth and hoped that further legal battles will be fought in the matter and truth will win.
He said that there has been only a cover-up by the CBI in the case, filing of a closure report despite the statements and evidence of so many witnesses raises questions on the working style of the CBI when it comes to harassing the leaders of the opposition parties, the CBI should race.
But in a fake encounter case, it seems that the closure report has been submitted under someone’s pressure, which is condemnable, this battle will be fought till the last breath of justice. The encounter took place in Palamu’s Bakoria on June 8, 2015. In this, the police claimed to have killed 12 Naxalites.
Later, the family members took refuge in the High Court, calling it a fake encounter. During the hearing, the Jharkhand High Court handed over the matter to the CBI. Two minors and a para teacher were also among those killed in the killings.