Ranchi: Jharkhand Governor CP Radhakrishnan visited Amadapada Village in Pakur District of Jharkhand on Friday. He said to villagers our aim is to provide all necessary government policies to the villagers.
He added Under Nal -Jal Yojana of the Union Government is to provide drinking water facilities to every household. Till now 37 % of households are covered with drinking water pipeline connectivity. The Remaining 67 % of water pipeline connectivity will be covered in the next few years. The government is continuously working to provide Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana,
Electricity, Health Facilities, and Education for the all-around development of the state. Governor Radhakrishnan visited government-run schools including Kasturba Gandhi Residential School. He reviewed the status of Smart Classes, VR Lab, Library, and Open Gym in the school.
He expressed his happiness at the rising level of education among girl students. A girl student from Kasturba Gandhi Residential School Rekha Tudu said she wanted to be a doctor and fully utilize ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Lab and Smart Classes. Governor motivated students to high studies. He said we are trying to provide coaching facilities for poor students.
He added to parents present in the conversation to provide the best education to their children by using all sources of income including Land – Property and Business. If Children are educated then only they will be prepared for
A Zila Parishad Member Priyanka Malto requested the Jharkhand Governor regarding the inclusion of the Mal Paharia Tribe in the list of ST Category. Governor assured her with the message that there is a process under state government and union government for inclusion of Tribals into the list. A villager Shanti Malto Said by joining With Self Help Group her standard of living increased.
Another Villager Lalita Devi said she works to open bank accounts and do life Insurance (LIC) Policies to the villagers. Jharkhand Governor said the Government Opened Eklavya Vidyalaya and Chief Minister School of Excellence in Jharkhand. Governor advised the villagers to educate their children by utilising these policies of the government.
Governor wished for Educational, Economical and Social development for the villagers of Pakur District. In the end, he felicitated beneficiaries under government policies.