Ranchi: Chief Minister Hemant Soren said that the state government will not allow injustice to happen to anyone. Interacting with a delegation of the Jharkhand CTET Pass Candidates Association at his residential premises here he said the state government will look to address their concerns and issues by following the necessary procedures.
The delegation urged the Chief Minister that before issuing the next advertisement for teacher recruitment either the JTET should be organised or score of the CTET should be considered on par with JTET. After listening to their demands the Chief Minister assured to give due consideration.
Separately a delegation of the successful candidates of the Jharkhand Armed Police also met the Chief Minister and requested him to order the publication of the merit list to which the Chief Minister assured of appropriate action.
Many other people also met the Chief Minister and detailed him about their grievance and problems which was listened by him and necessary instructions were given to the officials concerned.