Ranchi: As per the instructions of the Chief Electoral Officer, a two day “Festival of Elections – Art Mahotsav” has been organized at Audrey House from March 1 to March 2. In this program, competitions in painting, rangoli, quiz, music, drama have been organized among the children of various schools and colleges of Ranchi. Whose main objective is to make the youth aware and educated about elections. In the program, young voters are also being given information about the voting process by the officials through mock poll.
Addressing after the inauguration of the program, Chief Electoral Officer K Ravi Kumar said that Lok Sabha elections can be announced any day, we all have to be fully prepared for voting. Voting is not just a government process but it is like a great festival of democracy for the citizens of the entire country.
In this election, the youth not only have to vote themselves but also have to bring their family members and friends to the polling station to vote. He said that just as we hang out with family or friends, go to the mall, go to the cinema, similarly we have to come together at our polling booth and cast our vote. Various election-related information was shared by the officials among the youth in the program.
In which they were made aware and educated about ethical voting along with information about checking their names in the voter list through the Voter Helpline App. On this occasion, state-level and national-level artists were also invited, who made wonderful paintings on the election theme.
Apart from the Chief Electoral Officer, Joint Chief Electoral Officer Subodh Kumar also tried his hand on each painting. During this period, officials and common citizens also participated in the signature campaign.