Ranchi/Bermo: Coal India CVO Brajesh Kumar Tripathi, CCL CVO Pankaj Kumar along with officials from various departments inspected the AADOCM (AMLO) project of Thori area. During this, he along with GMs and officials of Dhori, B&K and Kathara areas participated in the workshop on Capacity Building Program and New Road Sale Guide Line at Chapri Guest House.
During the topic of vigilance, Coal India CVO and CCL CVO underlined the importance of vigilance in all aspects of professional life. CCL CVO provided an overview of the department. Details of the preventive vigilance activities carried out by the department and gave a brief description of the guidelines of 2023 removing the personnel from the road sale guidelines of 2009.
CVO of Coal India appreciated the activities done by the CCL Vigilance Department. Many suggestions were made for improvement. On this occasion, Thori GM MK Aggarwal along with CVO of Coal India and CCL provided battery and manual wheelchairs to 7 disabled people.