Ranchi: Ranchi Range DIG Anup Birthare conducted a surprise inspection of Simdega Civil Court on Thursday. During this, the DIG took stock of the external structure from the courtroom to the civil court. Anoop Birthare called the police personnel deployed for security and took information from them about everything.
The DIG also examined the protective equipment of the security personnel deployed in the Civil Court. During this period, the DIG has detected many security flaws, which have been instructed to be rectified.
DGP Ajay Kumar Singh had recently reviewed the security of judges’ residential premises in the court premises in all the districts of Jharkhand. During this, the DGP instructed the Range DIG level officers that all the Range DIGs will monitor all the civil courts, residential complexes and judges in the districts under their jurisdiction. Also, a consolidated report related to the security of all of them will be made available to the police headquarters.