West Singhbhum: Chief Electoral Officer K. Ravi Kumar reviewed preparations of the Lok Sabha Elections-2024, at Polling Booth No 52 Primary School, Ulihatu Booth No. 16, Rajivized Middle, under Chaibasa Assembly Constituency under Singhbhum Lok Sabha constituency.
Surprise inspection was conducted at Vidyalaya-Sindri booth number-10,11,12, Municipal Bungalow Middle School-Chaibasa booth number-96, 97 and Shraddhanand Girls Middle School-Badi Bazar booth number-126,127 and 128.
During the inspection, the Chief Electoral Officer took a point-wise review of the minimum facilities required at the polling stations, such as toilets, running water, drinking water, electricity, charging sockets and other electrical equipment, availability of furniture etc.
In this sequence, apart from the updated status of new Form-6 received from the BLO present at the polling station, information was obtained on absentee voters, disabled voters, booth awareness group and various other points in the voter list.
During the inspection, the Chief Electoral Officer gave instructions to immediately rectify the deficiencies seen at the polling stations.
After the inspection, a review meeting was called under the chairmanship of Chief Electoral Officer K. Ravi Kumar in the meeting room of the Collectorate in the presence of District Election Officer Kuldeep Chaudhary and nodal officers of all cells.
In which he ensured timely completion of all the preparations related to the elections, including provision of basic facilities in 100% polling stations and availability of ramps, running water, electricity, fans, furniture, mobile charge sockets even at the polling stations located in remote areas.
Apart from this, instructions were given to ensure arrangements for support personnel and vehicles to transport elderly and disabled voters to the booth.
After the inspection, a review meeting was called under the chairmanship of Chief Electoral Officer K. Ravi Kumar in the meeting room of the Collectorate in the presence of District Election Officer Kuldeep Chaudhary and nodal officers of all cells.