Ranchi: A case has been registered against Center for RTI President Pankaj Yadav in Bariatu police station on March 28. Durga Oraon, resident of Edalhatu, has accused Pankaj Yadav of forgery of letter pad. In the case registered, Durga Oraon said that on March 20, an envelope reached her through post.
When he opened the envelope, he saw that inside it was written a letter to the Jharkhand Chief Electoral Officer on the letter pad of Jharkhand against Corruption.
Durga Oraon told in the complaint that she neither wrote any letter to the Chief Electoral Officer, Jharkhand nor signed any letter pad. He said in the complaint that this is a fake letter, which has been done with the intention of defaming me and deceiving me.
Durga Oraon said in the complaint that Pankaj Yadav has been accused of forging her signature. Durga Oraon has said in the complaint that through the letter an attempt has been made to interfere in the government work and the work of the Election Commission.
A fake letter has been sent as part of some conspiracy against a woman officer. The reason for this could be that Nutan Modi (police officer) was once posted in Palamu district and Pankaj Yadav also belongs to Palamu district.
Because of which there must have been some enmity between the two. Looking at the letter, it becomes clear that Pankaj Yadav sent this correspondence with the intention of blackmailing, pressuring or taking revenge. Pankaj Yadav recorded my name and address on the envelope as part of some conspiracy.