Ranchi: IAS Chhavi Ranjan reached the Enforcement Directorate (ED) office on Thursday in the land scam case after which he was interrogated by ED officials for ten hours and was finally arrested for not giving satisfactory answers.
According to the information received from the sources, during interrogation, the ED questioned Chhavi Ranjan regarding the case of the siege of 7.16 acres of Bajra Mauza of Hehal zone, where its documents were found missing from the registry office.
ED officials were not satisfied with Chhavi Ranjan’s reply in this matter. Apart from this, Chhavi Ranjan was also questioned about his role in the purchase and sale of Cheshire Home Road land in addition to the land occupied by the army.
Chhavi Ranjan could not answer most of the questions asked by ED correctly. After which ED arrested Chhavi Ranjan. Earlier, the ED had asked IAS Chhavi Ranjan to appear in the ED office on May 1. But in the summons sent again by ED on 28th April, he was asked to appear in ED office on 4th May.
ED had interrogated Chhavi Ranjan on April 24. During this, he was first asked questions related to his role in the purchase and sale of land occupied by the army. After this, he was asked about the allegations leveled against him by Manoj Kumar, Circle Officer of Bargai.
CO Manoj Kumar had told the ED during interrogation that he had doubts about the documents submitted by Pradeep Bagchi to the Zonal Office. But after Chhavi Ranjan threatened him with heavy pressure and punishment, the report was sent in favor of Pradeep Bagchi. After this the land was registered.
At the same time, Chhavi Ranjan denied these allegations and blamed the employees including the CO in the sale and purchase of army land. However, he got entangled in the ED’s questions during face-to-face interrogation of the accused arrested in connection with the purchase and sale of army-occupied land by forging documents.
By evasiveness in answering some questions and keeping silent in some, he changed his suspicious role in this whole episode to a sure one.