11 rivers of the capital to be free from encroachment, catchment area to be marked with RCC pillars worth Rs 150 crores

Ranchi: Jharkhand Water Resources Department will now work on a plan to save small rivers apart from reservoirs. Under this, action will be taken by identifying the catchment areas of the rivers and those encroaching in that area.

On the other hand, to protect small rivers from local encroachers, boundary walls will be built from the source to the district demarcation. The catchment area of the rivers will be shown with RCC pillars. So that no one can encroach on that pillar and carry out construction work. 

Water Ways Wing of Water Resources Department, Ranchi has started the work on marking the catchment areas of three rivers in the first phase. The agency is to be selected through tender process. In the first phase, the catchment areas of Swarnarekha River, Jumar River and Harmu River will be marked. Marking will be shown with RCC pillars. The local zonal office will cooperate in the marking work.

Detailed information about the Catchment Area Marking Scheme will also be made available to the High Court by the department. The Water Way Wing will spend Rs 105 crore on the conservation of four rivers in the first phase. The work of showing the catchment areas of four rivers is to be completed in one year.

Under the first phase, RCC walls will also be built in the settlement areas on both sides under the rivers. Marking work will be done from the origin of Harmu River to Swarnarekha Ghat via Vidyanagar, Doranda. Pillars will be installed on both sides of the approximately 16 kilometer river. It is estimated that around Rs 50 crore will be spent on this. RCC walls are also to be built at many places. RCC pillars will also be installed at various places via Doranda till Hundru at a cost of Rs 60 lakh.

/There will be fencing on both sides of the catchment area from Ranichuan, the origin of Swarnarekha River, to Angada via Hatia, Tupudana. It has been estimated to cost Rs 3 crore for installing RCC pillars for about 20 km. The work of fencing the river will be done from Katamkulli, the origin Point of Jumar River, to Mesra. 

RCC pillars will be installed on both sides of the 25 km length of the river at a cost of Rs 2 crore. 11 rivers flowing in the capital Ranchi have been identified. This includes Pandara River, Dugdugia River Pundag, Potpoto River Kanke, Ani River Dhurva, Bhusur River Dhurva, Karam River Moradabadi, Bajra River Hehal, Hinnu River, Swarnarekha River, Jumar River and Harmu River.

The work will be done to show the catchment area of these rivers with RCC pillars. According to the report submitted in the High Court, the flow of these 11 rivers of Ranchi has been affected by construction in the catchment area. At some places, land brokers have registered the river area by taking money. Many big houses have been built, due to which the course of the river has changed.

The High Court is serious about the conservation of rivers. In view of this, the Water Resources Department has started work on the plan for conservation of rivers. Instructions have been given to the Deputy Commissioners of all the districts. Those who encroach on the catchment areas of rivers and construct them have been identified and asked to take action.

Deputy Commissioners have also been asked to get the catchment area of the rivers measured as per the old map. Wherever there is encroachment, mark it and remove it. Mark those places with the help of RCC pillars. If necessary, remove encroachment with bulldozers along with team and force.

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