Ranchi: The villagers took the Ranchi police team hostage in Dumardaga village located in Khunti district on Sunday. In fact, late on Friday evening, on the basis of the mobile location of the militant, the police of Namkum police station of Ranchi district had reached Dumardaga. Whom the villagers kept hostage for about one and a half hours.
After getting information about this, the police team of Khunti and Karra police station reached the spot and tried to pacify the villagers. After which the Ranchi police team came back safely after taking out the villagers from the crowd. Villagers say that the team of Namkum police station had reached the village on Friday evening.
The police team wanted to interrogate a person of the village in some matter without informing the village head. The villagers asked the police in which case they wanted to interrogate. But the police did not say anything.
The police team forcibly entered the house of Rai Mundine of Dumardaga village and snatched away the mobile from his daughter and son-in-law. When the villagers came to know about this, they started preventing the policemen. Seeing the gathering, the police team started moving from there.
The villagers reached there and stopped them from leaving. The villagers surrounded the policemen for a long time and, asking the reason for coming to the village, started taking information regarding the case. According to the villagers, they were seeking information about the case from the police team, but the police could only tell that the police had found the location of their mobile phone in some cases. The police only wanted to inquire, but the villagers were not satisfied with the logic of the police and surrounded the police team for about one and a half hours.