Ranchi: Central President of AJSU Party, Sudesh Kumar Mahto, while addressing a party event in Bundu of Tamar Assembly Constituency said that there should be passion among the party workers to achieve the goal with activism and concentration.
He said that the aim of the party is to change the political situation by expanding the scope of the background of the party at the intellectual level. Before the national convention, the party will make a queue of one lakh active and ex-officio workers and the queue will take over the leadership and wake up the last rung of the society he said.
He said that Jharkhand has a government based on the foundation of lies and loot. It took the mandate by showing false promises and dreams, but betrayed Jharkhandis as soon as it got power and started insulting the mandate.
The situation is that during the tenure of three years it did not take even a single step according to its promises and their manifesto. Sudesh said that when the youth, women, and contract workers come out on the streets to demand their rights they were subjected to force, he said.