Ranchi: Ranchi University has released the result of PhD entrance exam.
Candidates can check their result on the official website of RU http://exam.ranchiuniversity.co.in/home.
The entrance examination of PhD Entrance Exam 2023 was held on 24th December.
The exam results have been released only three days later.
A total of 188 students have been successful in RU’s PhD entrance exam.
12 in Anthropology, 0 in Bengali, 13 in Botany, 2 in Chemistry, 18 in Commerce, 14 in Economics, 17 in English, 8 in Geography, 17 in Hindi, 16 in History, 20 in Home Science, 3 in Math, Philosophy 11 students have passed in Physics, 4 in Physics, 12 in Psychology, 6 in Sanskrit, 1 in Sociology, 1 in TRL, 1 in Urdu and 1 in Zoology.