Latehar : Latehar Police has arrested the Naxalite subzonal commander of CPI Maoist carrying a reward of Rs 5 lakh. The arrested Naxalite Nageshwar Bhokta alias Nageshwar Ganjhu alias National Bhuiyan alias Genius Jhirmat Koma is a resident of Bariatu Latehar and has been arrested from Lohargarha and Mirchaiya forest of Garu police station area.
SP Anjani Anjan said that National Bhuiyan along with his squad was active in Lohargarha and Mirchaiya forest to carry out some untoward incident with the aim of causing harm to the security forces regarding the Lok Sabha elections. After receiving information about this, a raid team was formed under the leadership of Barwadih sub-divisional police officer Venkatesh Kumar.
As soon as the raid team reached the forest. Seeing the police, all the Naxalites in the squad started running away. The police cordoned off the forest and a Naxalite was arrested. When the arrested Naxalite was interrogated, he identified himself as the sub-zonal commander of CPI Maoist. He said, my name is National Bhuiyan.
SP said that a total of 11 cases are registered against National Bhuiyan in various police stations under 17 CLA, UAPA, Arms Act. In which five criminal cases are registered in Baresadh police station, three in Mahuadand, two in Garu and one in Netarhat police station.
In the raid operation, Barwadih sub-divisional police officer Venkatesh Kumar, Garu police station in-charge Sonu Kumar, Baresadh police station in-charge Ajit Kumar, Police Sub Inspector Devendra Kumar, Set-1 of Police Center Latehar, Set-6 of Garu police station and Set-2 of Baresadh police station. The soldiers were involved.
SP Anjani Anjan said that the arrest of Sub Zonal Commander National Bhuiyan has dealt a big blow to CPI Maoist. Regional Committee member Chhotu is a special member of Kharwar. He said that while being in the squad, he has carried out many incidents. He further said that a special police operation is being conducted against Chhotu Kharwar.