Ranchi: Chief Minister Hemant Soren said that a sum of Rs 300 crore has been allocated for the strengthening of the Ayush Sector in Jharkhand. Addressing a function organised on the occasion of the World Homeopathy Day at the Aryabhatt Auditorium he said that while the number of AYUSH doctors in the state was less than one hundred a few months ago, today the number of AYUSH doctors in the state is more than one thousand.
Earlier, the budget for the AYUSH sector used to be only Rs 20 to 30 crores, while his government has now made a budget provision of Rs 300 crores to further strengthen the AYUSH sector. He said that it is his endeavor that works which benefit the general public should be done on a priority basis.
At present, there are many areas where there is a need to act with great speed, honesty and firmness and education, health and infrastructure are all such sectors where work should not be seen only on paper but on the ground he said adding that It has been the aim to ensure that maximum people of the state get the benefit of the developmental works.
Chief Minister said that at present the homeopath system is very effective and important in the health care sector and it is the priority of the government to further strengthen the ancient health system.
The Chief Minister said that in the last few months, a large number of AYUSH doctors have been appointed by the State Government. Doctors have been made an integral part of the state government he said adding that work is being done with a commitment on how to strengthen the health system in the state.
The role of the AYUSH doctors will be important in fulfilling the vision of Healthy Jharkhand and Prosperous Jharkhand. Hemant Soren said that Ayush Anganwadi homeopathic kit distribution is starting today and asked to make a better action plan and work on how to maximize the delivery of homeopathic kits.
The Chief Minister said that an action plan should be prepared to make AYUSH medicines accessible to PDS holders and pensioners in the state. He said that the government is worried about anemia in the state. All of us together need to do better work towards making anemia-free Jharkhand.
The Chief Minister said that more complaints are being received in Jharkhand about anemia in the bodies of women and children he said adding that he cannot say what is the reason for suffering from this simple disease, but thinking and brainstorming must be done on how to improve it.
The Chief Minister said that in this materialistic era, one should not only look ahead but also try to see the ancient systems. It is true that there have been many changes in many systems in the past and now. Now it is very difficult to understand whether earlier time was good or today’s time is good he said.
The Chief Minister said that all of them know what is the condition of the health system in the state and he does not need to say much about it. I have full faith that together people will move forward towards improving the health system of the state.
Chief Minister said that for the first time, he has got the opportunity to participate in the program organized on the occasion of World Homeopathic Day. I have used homeopathic medicines many times like this, but this is the first time I have got the opportunity to know the insider things of the homeopathic system in such a forum he said.
On this occasion, State Health Minister Banna Gupta said that under the leadership of Chief Minister Hemant Soren, efforts are on to make Jharkhand healthy and prosperous. The work to remove the menace of diseases like anemia from the state is going on with commitment. Now Jharkhand has become a state of advance planning he said adding that the government is working with advance planning. In the coming days, all of us together
will make this state advanced, healthy and prosperous.
On this occasion, Chief Minister Hemant Soren inaugurated Ayush Anganwadi Homeopathic Kit and inaugurated Firstpathy Homeopathy Magazine, Firstpathy Homeopathy CME Poster and Sea Care Homeopathic book. Dr Ramji Singh, Dr Fazlus Sami, Dr M Kumar, Dr Ramji Yadav, Dr Somnath Dev and Dr Rajeev Ranjan Sinha of AYUSH Sector were honored by the Chief Minister on the occasion.
On this occasion, Development Commissionercum- Additional Chief Secretary Health Department Arun Kumar Singh, Director Ayush Fazlus Sami, National President of Homeopathic Medical Association of India Ramji Singh and others were present.