Bokaro: Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren on Tuesday said that his government was committed to provide employment opportunities to the youth of the state. Talking to the media here he said that the government has been
distributing appointment letters to sportsmen, sports officers, engineers but on a large scale recruitment process will start for which all the departments have been asked to prepare the rules by October 31 in lieu of vacant posts in their respective departments after which the recruitment process will commence.
On the issue of comments made by the High Court over appointment on a contractual basis in the state, he said that questions should be asked from those who were in power for the last 20 years as they have only created this system. However, to remove all those flaws steps are being taken and proper recruitment is being done. When asked over the gifts to people of the state on the occasion of state formation day on November 15 he said even during the peak of Coronavirus he did not allow the people to go empty-handed and ran many schemes for them.
The Chief Minister said that this year has been declared as an appointment year by the state government and he was committed to delivering on the promise. He said that after many years got JPSC exam done, even came out with the results and this process will go