Ranchi: Jharkhand Governor CP Radhakrishnan on Sunday addressed a programme on De Addiction organised by Prajapita Brahmakumari Divine University in Harmu Road in Ranchi.
Governor Radhakrishnan stressed addiction for narcotics and alcoholism is the burning issue of today’s society.
In many aspects, addiction of narcotics are responsible for serious diseases.
“Consuming Drugs can ruin the life of a man and the members of the family suffer,” the Governor added.
Governor Radhakrishnan said that “Alcoholism is a serious matter of concern, and in the last few years many people have died due to its consumption.”
Jharkhand Governor congratulated the Brahmakumari Society for their collective efforts to create awareness for the De-Addiction Campaign.
Brahmakumari Society worked on Five Important Formulas for De-Addiction Campaign for the last 93 days and they conducted Rath Yatra for 19000 kilometres in the country.
The Jharkhand Governor said at the end that “Due to lack of awareness few people are involved in consuming drugs and sooner they are addicted to it, young children are forced to take drugs.”
The Governor added that “By Collective efforts and Social attempts should be organised to eliminate Addiction of drugs and can make necessary Positive Change in the society which will have a positive impact on the life of people.”