Ranchi: Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren said that Agriculture not only strengthens the economy but also strengthens the human system. While addressing the MoU and appointment letter distribution program with the listed agencies and livestock suppliers for Integrated Birsa Village Development Schemecum- Krishak Pathshala he said the “soul” of a state like Jharkhand resides in agriculture, as 70 percent of its population is involved in agriculture and livestock.
In such a situation, the government’s special focus has been on the development of agriculture and farmers he said continuous efforts are being made to make the farmers self-reliant, and empowered and increase their income and in this series, through the Kisan Pathshala, arrangements have been made to train the farmers to inform them about advanced agriculture and modern techniques of agricultural work.
The Chief Minister said that several schemes have been launched with policy formulation in this direction on how to meet the needs and requirements of the farmers. The government has kept a provision of more than four thousand crore rupees for agriculture in the budget to empower farmers, pond construction, well construction and irrigation projects are being strengthened with schemes like Harit Gram Yojana, Didi Bari Yojana and Kisan Pathshala he said adding that at the same time, farmers are being linked with livestock schemes.
Apart from this, Sido-Kanhu Cooperative Federation has been formed to promote forest produce. The aim of all these is to make the farmers self-reliant. The government is also continuously working towards making agricultural products available in the market. New rice mills are being opened and godowns and cold storage are being built along with strengthening of lamps-packs in rural areas he said.
The Chief Minister said that agriculture officers have been appointed in the state after 32 years. Its purpose is to cooperate with the farmers for agricultural works and farming. The Chief Minister said that today farmers are becoming agricultural laborers. In such a situation, the government is continuously taking steps to keep the farmers connected with agriculture.
The Chief Minister said that the animals given to the beneficiaries under the Mukhyamantri Pashudhan Yojana would also be insured so that the farmers do not have to bear any kind of financial loss due to the death of cattle due to any reason. The Chief Minister also said that talks will be held with banks for the insurance of animals of prosperous farmers and cattle herders. MoUs were signed with 17 empaneled executing agencies and livestock suppliers for the Kisan Pathshala in the presence of the chief minister.
On this occasion, the Chief Minister gave appointment letters to 26 veterinary doctors and 7 personnel. On this occasion Agriculture Minister Badal, Chief Secretary Sukhdev Singh, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Vandana Dadel, Secretary to Chief Minister Mr. Vinay Kumar Choubey, Agriculture Secretary Abu Bakar Siddique, and Director Agriculture Chandan Kumar Singh Director Horticulture Mr. Nisar Ahmed Agriculture Many officials including Special Secretary of the department Pradeep Hazari and Additional Secretary M Anjani Kumar were present.