Ranchi: ATS on Tuesday said, jailed criminal Aman Sahu is adding new people to his gang. This disclosure was given to ATS by the arrested Raja Ansari and Malinder Singh of Aman Sahu gang. In a press conference at the ATS headquarters on Tuesday, ATS SP Rishabh Kumar Jha said that Raja Ansari and Malinder have been arrested from Patratu in Ramgarh district.
ATS has recovered a revolver and 51 live cartridges from Malinder Kumar. Malinder admitted during interrogation that he used to collect weapons and cartridges used in crimes by the Aman Sahu gang. On the instructions of jailed criminals Chandan Sao and Aman Sahu, Malinder used to give weapons to the identified criminals and after committing the incident, he used to take the weapons back.
Raja Ansari is a notorious criminal of Aman Sahu’s gang. He has been involved in many incidents related to firing in the past. Many incidents have been carried out by him in the past also. He has been to jail in the past.
A total of 11 cases are registered against him in different police stations of Ranchi, Hazaribagh and Ramgarh. ATS SP Rishabh Jha told in the press conference that Sunil Singh Meena of Aman Sahu gang is hiding in Malaysia.
He will be arrested soon with the help of the central agency. Recently, an advertisement was pasted on his house and soon his house will also be attached. Wherever he owns property and the business in which he has invested.
The ATS team is collecting all the information.