Ranchi: Mumbai-based Bollywood actress Ameesha Patel produced in the civil court in Ranchi on Monday in a case related to bounce of cheque lodged in the year 2018. She gave her presence in the court of Ranchi Civil Court Judicial Magistrate DN Shukla. During the hearing in the court, the court asked her about the allegation against her in the case related to cheque bounce. After Hearing the allegations, all the allegations were denied by Amisha Patel. She refused to accept the allegations.
Now, Ameesha Patel will have to face trial. The matter is of the year 2018. Ranchi-based filmmaker Ajay Kumar Singh had filed a case against Ameesha Patel. According to Sources, Ameesha Patel and her business partner Kunal had cheated him. Ajay Kumar Singh has levelled allegations of cheque bounce, cheating and threatening against Ameesha Patel. In this case, summons was issued to Ameesha Patel for her presence. But despite summons several times, she was not appearing in the court herself or through her advocate.
Ajay Kumar Singh, a resident of Argora, Ranchi, filed this case on 17 November 2018 in the Ranchi CJM Court. In which it is alleged that Amisha Patel had taken Rs 2.5 crore from him in the name of music making. Even after taking the money, she did not take any step towards music making.
Ameesha Patel has also been accused of extorting Rs 2.5 crore from Ajay Singh in the name of making the film Desi Magic. According to the contract between the two, when the film did not release in June 2018, Ajay demanded money from Ameesha. After much procrastination, two checks of Rs 2.5 crore and Rs 50 lakh were given in October 2018, which bounced. After this Ajay Singh has filed a case in Ranchi Civil Court. In this case, on June 19, Amisha Patel surrendered in the civil court.
Earlier she was not going to come, but later she surrendered in the civil court after coming to Ranchi. After the hearing, the court granted him bail on two bail bonds of Rs 10,000 each. She was asked to appear in court by issuing summons during the hearing in the month of April, but she did not appear. After which a warrant was issued from Ranchi Civil Court.