Ranchi: Barring a stray incident of clash between two groups in Jugsalai of Jamshedpur polling peacefully came to an end on four Lok Sabha seats of Jharkhand including Giridih, Dhanbad, Jamshedpur and Singhbhum (ST) seats where more than 64 cent voters out of an eligible 66.85 lakh voters turned up at 8,300 polling booths to lock the future of 67 candidates who were in race for these four seats.
Briefing the press State’s Chief Electoral Officer L Khiyangate said that 64.46 per cent voter turn out has been recorded on these seats however this figure is tentative and is expected to go up by few notches when the final data will be published in next couple of days. Constituency wise Giridih has witnessed a voter turnout of 65.93 percent, Dhanbad 59.60 percent, Jamshedpur 66.44 percent and
Singhbhum 67.79 percent. Mr Khiyangate said that on these four seats a total of 82.7 per cent divyang voters had managed to cast their votes. In the Lok Sabha polls of 2014 Giridih had witnessed a voter turn out of 64.25 per cent, Dhanbad 60.53 per cent, Jamshedpur 66.33 per cent and Singhbhum 69 per cent. A total of 66,85,401 lakh voters including 35,05,565 are male voters and 31,79,720 female voters were eligible to vote across 8,300 polling booths out of which 3,908 booths were declared sensitive and another 1762 very sensitive by the election commission. As many regions fell in the LWE zone the election commission had made
Elaborate security arrangements with more than 40,000 security personnel comprising 175 companies of the paramilitary forces deployed on poll duty along with the state police. Further three helicopters were used to keep an aerial watch in the sensitive areas while in case of emergency an air ambulance was also positioned in Ranchi. Candidates whose future has been locked in the EVMs included AJSU nominee Chandraprakash Chowdhary and Jaggarnath Mahto of the JMM who are contesting from Giridih, PN Singh of the BJP and Kirti Azad Jha of Congress in Dhanbad, Vidyut Baran Mahto of BJP and Champai Soren of JMM in Jamshedpur and Laxman Giluwa of BJP and Geeta Koda of Congress in Chaibasa.