Ranchi: Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren on Thursday said that in the future students from other communities will also be provided an opportunity by the government to study in higher educational institutions in abroad. Speaking during a felicitation function organised at the project building in which six students hailing from the tribal community who have been selected to pursue higher education in abroad as part of Marang Gomke Jaipal Singh Munda Foreign Scholarship he said that today six tribal children of Jharkhand are going to the United Kingdom for higher education. The government’s target was to select 10 children, but now in the coming days, more than 10 children will be selected and they will be given an opportunity to give higher education abroad, he said.
The Chief Minister said that a budget provision of Rs 10 crore has been made for higher education abroad. The department should adjust the amount left in the budget in the next financial year so that more and more students can get the opportunity of quality education abroad he said adding that the state government is also helping the entrepreneurs of scheduled tribes and scheduled castes in setting up industries as special provision has been made for these categories in the Jharkhand Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy 2021. The central government has also been urged by the government to give tax relief to these sections, he said. Stating that the tribal classes are lagging behind educationally he said the state government is constantly brainstorming on how to work for the betterment of the underprivileged, weak, downtrodden, backward classes.
The Chief Minister said that the government would move forward by using the internal resources of the state as Jharkhand needs to stand on its own feet so that the new generation can see Jharkhand with new eyes. He said Jharkhand will move ahead with the people of the state and their sentiments. The Chief Minister said that at present this scheme is giving opportunities to the students of tribal communities for higher education, in the coming time, the government will consider giving opportunities to the children of other classes as well. The government is also providing financial assistance to the top students in the state so that there is no obstacle in their further studies, he pointed.
Hemant Soren said that Jaipal Singh Munda’s name will always be there as not only did his higher education at Oxford University but also played a role in the making of the constitution. In Jharkhand, such persons have taken birth who will be continued to mention for centuries he said that all of them have been economically, socially, educationally weak but established milestones with their confidence and strength which is rarely seen these days.
Under the Marang Gomke Jaipal Singh Munda Foreign Scholarship Scheme the state government will bear the living and other expenses, including tuition fees, for pursuing higher education in universities in England and Ireland. For this every year 10 ST students from Jharkhand will be selected.
Among the students selected for the scholarship, Hercules Singh Munda is going on to pursue an MA at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Ajitesh Murmu will be pursuing his MA in Architecture at the University College of London. Akanksha Mary has been selected for MSc in Climate Change Science and Management at Law Borg University. Dinesh Bhagat will be pursuing an MSc in Climate Change, Development and Policy at the University of Sussex. Apart from this, Anjana Pratima has been selected for MSc at Dungdung University of Warwick and Priya Murmu to pursue MA in Creative Writing and the Writing Industries at Law Borg University. Tribal Welfare Minister Champai Soren, Chief Secretary Sukhdeo Singh, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Rajiv Arun Ekka, Secretary to Chief Minister Vinay Kumar Choubey etc were present on the occasion.