Ranchi: Secretary of the Rural Development Department Manish Ranjan directed the officials to complete the pending construction of homes under PMAY (Rural) on a priority basis. Addressing all the Deputy Development Commissioners of the state via videoconferencing he said that at present there is an ambitious scheme of the state government in form of Amrit Sarovar in which the work of renovation/renovation of ponds is being done on a plot of a minimum of one acre.
The main objective of this scheme is to ensure the participation of villagers for water conservation as well as its maintenance and livelihood he said. The Secretary directed to complete all the pending schemes under Mnrega. Along with this review of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana was also done. Dr Manish Ranjan also directed for necessary progress in the creation of man days under Mnrega.
He asked all the DDCs to bring progress in the creation of man days. During the meeting Mnrega commissioner, Rajeshwari B first informed about the progress of the ongoing schemes under. Secretary Dr Manish Ranjan while reviewing the district-wise progress of the scheme said that where progress is slow there necessary progress should be made.
The Secretary asked to do Mnrega works in accordance with the rainy season. The Secretary directed to give a special focus on Birsa Harit Gram Yojana, Didi Bari Yojana etc. He said that a maximum number of schemes should be selected and a maximum number of schemes should be completed.
Dr Manish Ranjan said that the Development Commissioners have an important role in rural development schemes. He said that they have to work with a free hand and focus on accomplishing the goal and make sure that complaints should not be received. He expressed deep dissatisfaction over the poor performance of housing completion under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Rural).
He directed all the Deputy Development Commissioners to pay special attention to this and complete the housing model approved by the department according to the need and with the consent of the beneficiary, to complete all the houses in a planned manner before August 2022.
The Secretary said that the officials should ensure the completion of the pending houses under Bhimrao Ambedkar Awas Yojana with special attention. Mnrega Commissioner Rajeshwari B, Special Secretary, Rural Development Department Ram Kumar Sinha, Joint Secretary, Rural Development Department Arun Singh and other officials were present in the meeting.