Ranchi : Following the order of Jharkhand High Court, Ranchi Municipal Corporation and District Administration launched a campaign to remove encroachments. The Municipal Corporation’s enforcement team was involved in the operation with Halla Gaadi. The team removed roadside shops in Kachhari Road, Shaheed Chowk, Main Road, Lalpur, Kokar, Argora areas of the city.
Goods from shops decorated on the road were confiscated. The carts, kiosks and tarpaulin shops encroaching on the road were removed. After the encroachment was removed in the morning, there was silence in the market till afternoon. But as the evening approached, shops were set up again on the streets and the market became buzzing. When shops were set up on the road, traffic jams also started.
But neither the corporation and district administration team nor the traffic police had any trace. To improve the traffic system of the city, the High Court has given instructions on Tuesday itself to remove encroachments from the major roads and intersections of the city including Lalpur, Main Road, Kachari Road, Shaheed Chowk, Argora. While making oral comment, the court has asked to run a campaign to remove encroachment for one month.