Ranchi: Protesting over the issue of Delhi Police reaching the house of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi for questioning the Jharkhand unit of the Congress party on Monday burnt the effigy of Union Home Minister at the Albert Ekka Chowk of the capital.
Speaking on the occasion Rajesh Thakur said Rahul Gandhi extended full cooperation to the Delhi Police but so many policemen were sent to his house like he was a criminal. He said that the Delhi police did not have even a warrant to question the leader but just to divert the attention of everyone from the Adani issue.
He said that it has been 45 days since Rahul Gandhi ended his Bharat Jodo Yatra and even participated in discussions in the Lok Sabha but had the Union Home Ministry and Delhi Police seriously questioned him the next day itself.
Thakur said that incidents like these keep on happening in the capital and other parts of the country but the Union Home Minister does not make any statements however he claimed that it has become clear that anyone who would speak against Adani would be subjected to a similar type of behavior.