Ranchi: Jharkhand Governor CP Radhakrishnan reached Aryabhatta Auditorium on the second day of Sansad Sanskriti Mahotsav and saw the performances and even distributed prizes among the winners. Apart from him former Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha Kadia Munda and former Chief Minister Babulal Marandi also participated in the event.
Chief Guest and Governor of Jharkhand CP Radhakrishnan said when he became the Governor of Jharkhand, his first program was Sanjay Seth’s MP Sports Festival where he went as the chief guest and at that time, he had seen how he gave a platform to the hidden talents in sports by taking them out of the village and now the talents of art are getting a platform. The Governor said that art and culture are the roots of a country, and if the culture is not there then the roots will not be there either.
Kadiya Munda said that the meaning of Jye Nachi Se Banchi is very deep as Songs, music and dance have a special place in our Indian culture. Just as one gets spiritual satisfaction by reciting prayers, in the same way if music is removed the life will become lifeless.
Babulal Marandi congratulated Sanjay Seth for organising the event and said that it is difficult to express in words the feeling one has got after watching this programme. He said that Sanjay Seth had also invited him to his MP Sports Festival, but he could not go and he regrets it. About 2600 artists from Ranchi parliamentary constituency are participating in this festival.
A total of ten genres of competition are being held in four major auditoriums of the capital, Aryabhatta Auditorium, Mayuri Auditorium, Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University Auditorium and Audrey House. Which includes Tribal Dance, Classical Dance (Group), Classical Dance (Solo), Solo Singing, Tribal Instrumental, Group Choreography, Mime, Folk Dance (Group), Group Song and Short Drama.