Mumbai (IANS) Television actress Hiba Nawab, who can be currently seen in ‘Woh Toh Hai Albela’ essaying the role of Sayuri opposite Shaheer Shaikh, recently spoke about her character’s transformation as she becomes a mother. Hiba said she could relate to her character without being a mother in real life as she is very close to her mom in real life and draws inspiration from her.
She spoke about her bond with her mother and wished her ahead of Mother’s Day (May 14).
The actress said, “I share a very friendly relationship with my mother. We are more like best friends to each other. We share things with each other, we fight but eventually come back to each other. I believe there’s no particular day to celebrate our mothers and it goes for everyone. I feel I’m always going to be a child for my mother.”
She added: “As she’s not here in town this time, I’m going to make her feel special since I’m too loud on my gestures and I always like to spoil her so I’ll be sending her lots and lots of gifts. I hope I spend every Mother’s Day and every day with her to make her feel special. Happy Mother’s Day mom, and to every mother out there.”
‘Woh Toh Hai Albela’ airs every Monday-Friday at 9:00 p.m. on Star Bharat.